This is my blog post with three great options for people to get started optimizing brain health with meditation. The most important thing to do is take the first step -- take that small step of including 5 minutes of meditation by following one of these methods:
OPTION ONE: Rhythmic Breathing
Sit with the back straight so that upright skeletal structure enables the muscles of the back and shoulders to relax. Put some attention on the breathing, and gently increase the length of each inhalation and exhalation. When you are relaxed and ready, begin counting to 8 every time you inhale and every time you exhale. That's it. That's all you have to do. Continue this powerful practice until you hear the ding of your meditation timer.
OPTION TWO: Progressive Relaxation
Sit with the back straight so that upright skeletal structure enables the muscles of the back and shoulders to relax. Put some attention on the breathing, and gently increase the length of each inhalation and exhalation.Then, bring your attention to the top of the head, and imagine a feeling of warmth, lightness, and energy. Let that feeling flow down the sides of the face, the back of the neck, into the shoulders and arms. As that feeling washes over the arms, you can feel completely energized and relaxed. The feeling of breathing in and out takes up a lot of your attention. That relaxation continues to wash over the trunk of the body, down to the waist and legs, down to the feet. Let this process of progressive relaxation take several minutes while you concentrate on your breathing.